Saturday, February 12, 2005

box car racer - sorrow

i pulled off one of the best nights ever in history of awesome pulled-off nights.

i "broke into" a firehouse (read: bonney had a key). we dressed up in the clothes and helmets like little kids, sat in the firetrucks and took tons of goofy pictures. we went to bob's and played massive amounts of foozball, getting more rowdy about it after every game. i stood out in the rain and met nick, the most beautiful man in the world (says william). greg drove me around on the beach in his truck while he told me about his broken heart and other problems. i felt horrible for him, wanted to wrap him up in a blanket and make him cocoa. instead, we all piled on a mattress and he fell asleep while i played with his hair.

before that, of course, i got back at tony for stealing all my stuff. greg went through his clothes and found the shirts tony wears the most. and i took them. i used them as a pillow this morning while we were driving. probably drooled on them too.

chanel rubbed william's sweatshirt in her armpits.

the only bad thing was trying to sleep with four other people in the room. it got hot and sweaty and i was thirsty, but i couldn't get up 'cause bonney had a death grip on me. urgh. i'm dying to take a shower now... haha, at work, i was scratching my back and found dirt under my fingernails. but i guess i can do it tomorrow before work, 'cause now i've got to pick up nikita and hang out with dj! awesome! haven't seen the guy in forever and i've missed his boyish charm.

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