Thursday, October 05, 2006

Beast of Burden

Let's give a big hurrah for another day of boredom and idleness beat back through sheer willpower. Last night Ben and I went out for food around, oh, 11? With my sleep schedule and all, that was not cool. But I'd just finished my scarf and Ben was hungry and besides, he's one of my best friends now and it's nice to see him. He decided that I'm finally good enough to meet his girlfriend, so Friday night before I head out to... somewhere... with someone... (I don't actually know what I'm doing Friday night yet, Help!) the three of us are going to go someplace nice to eat and have a good ol' time. I'm excited!

But the whole point of that paragraph was to vaguely explain why I was so damn tired when I woke up this morning. A panic-filled race to beat the bus to the bus stop woke me up nice and good, so classes weren't too intolerable. At 12, met a friend in the VU, and I'm hoping to finally hang out with her off campus this weekend. We're thinking of checking out the Catholic church on Cornwall for Sunday morning mass, and if the weather's nice we'll go swimming at Lake Samish. Yayyy. Swimming!

Back to Ben. We went to Applebee's for lunch/dinner today, after I woke up from my food-induced nap. (How's this for a disgusting image. Pizza rolled up burrito-style, and eaten with gusto. Eating healthy? Not my strong point.) My salad was very sad and pathetic, but the good conversation made up for it. Got dropped off on a corner to walk my ass over to Fantasia. The spanish table was... Exciting? Hard? Impressive? Not sure what to describe it as. Hopefully I won't suck and never go back. I enjoyed it and actually spouted off some scrambled spanish a couple times. Hurrah! (Wait. I have to go back, there's no option about it. I have to steal someone's digital camera and take a picture of the photo by the cash register.)

Sooo, here it is, a little bit late, a little bit early, depending on your schedule. I might go sit on the porch and eat a popsicle. I might knit. I might just sit and listen to the Stones "Beast of Burden" on repeat for a good hour or two.

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