Sunday, February 25, 2007

Frou Frou

Work work work, all day... Coworker was coming in to pick up her boyfriend at the end of his shift, ended up getting a bloody nose instead. She was in the office for about 20 minutes without it stopping, so we called an ambulance and they took care of her. Eventually she went home, but man, you should've seen the staff bathroom before it got cleaned out. Blood EVERYWHERE. Something like a scene from a horror film.

Also finally reading the Fountainhead, which was probably a bad idea to start it because it's a fatty book and I don't really have the time to get lost in Ayn Rand. But it's fantastic.

Amigos, please. Calling me about strange signs at Chevron? Not kosher. At least have the decency to tell me you stole it. It's just common decency.

Pretty pictures from Friday afternoon at Larrabee. My picture-taker took a swim in the ocean and I find out if it'll be okay later this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great pics, I love larabee