Friday, March 23, 2007

never gonna find another man like that

Who knows what the future will bring? Blog posts may drop off in the face of no-more-finals, seeing as how I no longer need to log my hours and hours of distractions from studying.
Then again, I might be putting up EVEN MORE items on here, seeing as I have roughly 240 hours before classes start again, and about 15 of those hours in scheduled work time. The plan to stay in Bellingham and work over break? Failed. Miserably. I will be looking for absolutely anything to do to pass the time.

Two people are fishing. Man refers to fish as "she".
Woman: How do you know it's a girl?
Man: Her mouth is open. Now shut up.

Ahahaha, thank you Whitey, Father Goose was really close to the funniest classic I've watched.
And on that note, take some time to think to yourself: What did I know first about Marilyn Monroe? That she was a singer or an actor? Then quiz your friends. Weird results. I even ran into someone who thought she started as a pinup girl.

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