Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I forgot which way is down

My grumpy supervisor at work called me a privileged suburban white girl at work this morning. Alright, so I'm not training for a triathlon and arranging competitions and raising 4 kids by myself, but I'm still pretty stressed out. So I stopped bitching to people and decided to hold it in until now.

I AM SO BUSY!! I've broken out and I'm constantly hungry and if I could just find a quiet corner with a couch I'd be out. But there's no time for things like showers after (or before) work or cooking or those 9 hours of sleep that I love so much. Here's why: Three exams this week (one down, another tomorrow, another Friday.) These next two are going to kill me, though, since Thor loves to make his tests impossible and I really despise Macroeconomics. I've been working about 20 hours each week (5-9pm Mon/Wed/Fri, 5-9:30am Tues/Thurs, 1-8:30 Sun). I'm leaving in about 15 minutes for an on-campus movie required for Spanish, then meeting a coworker to study for Geology. I had the last hour and a half all to myself (first chunk of unfettered time today!), so I celebrated by finishing a movie I've been working on piece by piece for the last 4 days.

And I don't feel much like expanding on this anymore. Seeing my "reasons why the world should give me a break" just makes me all grossed with myself. Kiss the love gun, I'm going back to campus now (and I'm going to bundle up, it'll be cold when I head home and buses don't run past 10 pm).

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